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Wiltshire Young Farmers Clubs

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A rural youth group for people aged 10-28

Wiltshire Young Farmers
are #MoreThanTractors


Are you aged 10-28? Do you love rural life?
Do want to meet new people, make new friends, learn new skills and have fun?
Think that you have what it takes to join the Club?
Come down and find out.
 Join in competitions, events, training and more here at WFYFC.
Safeguarding: Your designated Safeguarding officer is Charlotte Taylor. Contact her at county office for any support, queries of reports regarding Safeguarding. 

Wiltshire Federation of Young Farmers Clubs is part of  one of the largest Youth movements in the UK. We have clubs across the county, and we are affiliated with NFYFC, which has 682 clubs across England and Wales, with a national membership in excess of 22,000. 


Visit for more information on YFC


Wiltshire YFC encourage members from a whole range of backgrounds, you really dont have to be a farmer to be a young farmer. All you have to be is interested in the countryside and willing to give things a go and make new friends!


We have a varied programme of competitions and activities, from skills in the workplace, to parties and competitions. We even have travel opportunities and encourage a dynamic social life. 


Interested in joining? Find a club


Tel: 0795 795 1994

Wiltshire YFC County Office 

Lackham College



WFYFC is a part of the National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs, and is a registered charity. 

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